All White People Are Racists

    Sometimes you'll hear a non-white, or an exceptionally self-hating white person, say that "all white people are racist".

    This is a verbal weapon intended to browbeat whites into submission. It's fairly obvious that anyone who says this doesn't really desire racial equality with whites but subjugation of whites.

    Here's why I say this. "Racist" is not a neutral, descriptive term. It is a value judgment, and an extremely powerful negative one. Most white people would rather be called almost anything other than racist. Nothing short of child molestation or sexual assault (and sometimes not even those) is as good at immediately ruining a person's reputation as a credible accusation of racism. It's the mortal sin of the secular era, perceived by the large majority of the public sphere, especially the educated, metropolitan elite, as a serious moral failing. When someone says that all white people are racist, they are essentially saying that all white people are evil. 

    What's really strange and worrying about this kind of rhetoric is that it sounds like the buildup to a race war or a genocide.

    I realize that sounds hysterical. Let me be clear - I'm not a Stormfronter or even a white nationalist. I can't imagine a race war happening in the foreseeable future, nor do I desire one. I just want to point out how serious the implications of these statements are, and what that says about the mindset of the people who make them.

    The link here is "punch a Nazi". You've heard that phrase by now. Public opinion is divided over whether or not Nazis should be punched or simply publicly shunned and denied employment, but there is a significant cohort of people who think that violence against Nazis is not only acceptable but laudable. Why? It's not because Nazis invaded France. It's because they're racist.

    Do you see where I'm going with this?

    All white people are racist. Violence against racists is good. These ideas come from exactly the same crowd of people. They say them at different times in different tones of voice so that people don't connect the dots. It's possible that they haven't even connected the dots themselves, and that any given Marxist college professor could hold both these opinions simultaneously without actually sincerely believing that we should all beat up on white people. (Frankly, these folks tend not to be very reflective.) Yet the connection is plainly there for anyone who wants to make it. The collective demonization and dehumanization of an ethnic group is ubiquitous before a genocide.

Again, I don't believe a genocide will happen. But a significant contingent of people is almost, ever-so-nearly calling for one, and they are rarely so much as chided for it - and many of the people at whom the hate is targeted, that is, whites, consider themselves "allies".


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